As Americans, We All Want The Same Thing …

Literally Anybody Else

Despite our differences, our internal and external debates, squabbles, and wars, we want good health for ourselves and our loved ones, protection and well-being for our children and others we love, financial security, physical safety, mental and emotional well-being, and, overall, a strong, safe, and positive society in which to live. All of this, despite the local and global conflicts at present in our world, the other challenges, and even wars that currently are a reality on our planet or may come in the future.

All of these desires we have in common, despite any surface or interior variances among us in our enormous population of approximately 350 million human beings.


As Americans, we all want the same thing…

Anybody Else

Despite Our Variances and Despite Our Internal and External Debates, Squabbles and Wars, we want good health for us and for our loved ones, protection and well-being for our children and others whom we love, financial security, physical safety, mental and emotional well-being and, overall, a strong, safe and positive society in which to live – all this, despite all the local and global conflicts at present in our world and the other challenges and even wars that currently are a reality on our planet or those that may come in the future.

All of these desires we have in common, despite any surface or interior variances among us in our enormous population of over 350,000,000 million human beings.

As Seen On

People Magazine
USA Today
As Americans, We All Want The Same Thing … Despite Our Variances and Despite Our Internal and External Debates, Squabbles and Wars
NBC News

and more

America, Meet Your Candidate

Dear America,

Our nation faces economic instability, healthcare gaps, educational disparities, and political division. The current government often prioritizes partisan battles over real solutions, leaving many disillusioned and disconnected.

The Literally Anybody Else Campaign offers a new vision for America. We believe in a transparent, accountable government that truly represents all Americans. Our mission is to restore faith in our political system with practical, achievable solutions.

We will create economic stability through job creation and fair wages, ensure quality healthcare for all, and revitalize education. Political reform will guarantee transparency and integrity, making leaders work for the people. We will promote unity and civility, moving beyond divisive rhetoric, and prioritize sustainability to protect our planet.

Our campaign puts people first, committed to listening and working tirelessly for a brighter future. Join us, and together we can build a nation that reflects our highest ideals.



Yours Faithfully,

Literally Anybody Else for President

Real Change,
Real Representation

We stand at a pivotal moment in our history. Our political climate is plagued by division and empty promises. As Albert Einstein said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” It’s time to break this cycle.

The Literally Anybody Else campaign isn’t just a name; it’s a movement dedicated to integrity, transparency, and serving the people. To achieve the extraordinary, we must dare to do what has never been done. We envision an America where economic stability is achievable for all, healthcare is accessible and affordable, and our education system prepares our children for the future.

On November 5, 2024, we can make history. This election is about reclaiming our democracy and ensuring the White House truly represents We, The People. Together, we can bring the change we desperately need.

Let’s turn the page on politics as usual. Join us in building a future where every American can thrive.

Help Us Get To The White House

Your Opinion. Your Voice. Your Ideas. Your Experience. Your Knowledge. Your Social Reach and Your Financial Means.

All of that and more is what can and WILL change the course of history in the most powerful, realistic and positive way ever for The American People, now and for many generations to come.

You can join us as a volunteer, share our message on social media and with your personal and professional contacts and/or financially contribute to Our Campaign to assure that the True, Unedited, Unbiased and Unfiltered Voice and Choice of The American People Is Not Only Heard Via An Email Comment that gets an auto-responder message, But Actually Taken Into Consideration and Implemented.

Remember, Our Country, Our Nation, Our Republic is not just, “America” …

We, The People -You and I – are, unquestionably, the very essence, the full force and the entire contents of The United States of America.

Texas man changes name to Literally Anybody Else, runs for president

Join Our Vision

Together we will create a better country

Our Campaign, Our Movement, “Literally Anybody Else for President”, stands as a beacon of hope for all of us who fearlessly yearn for a government that truly represents its people — not the entrenched political elite.

I, Literally Anybody Else, am here to champion your voice against the decades of political failure in a way that puts you, your families, your friends, your colleagues and all those who legally live in The United States of America as the first and only priority.

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