Literally Anybody Else

As Americans, We All Want The Same Thing …

A country where our voices are heard, our rights are protected, and our children can thrive. We seek a government that works for us, not for special interests or political elites. As Literally Anybody Else (LAE), I know that it’s time for a change. It is time for leadership that truly represents the people.

Anybody Else

As Americans, we all want the same thing…

A country where our voices are heard, our rights are protected, and our children can thrive. We seek a government that works for us, not for special interests or political elites. As Literally Anybody Else (LAE), I know that it’s time for a change. It is time for leadership that truly represents the people.

All of these desires we have in common, despite any surface or interior variances among us in our enormous population of over 350,000,000 million human beings.

As Seen On

People Magazine
USA Today
As Americans, We All Want The Same Thing … Despite Our Variances and Despite Our Internal and External Debates, Squabbles and Wars
NBC News

and more

America, Meet Your Candidate

Dear America,

In these trying times, we all seek the same fundamental things: a nation where our voices are genuinely heard, our rights are fiercely protected, and our families can flourish. We desire a government that works for the people, not for special interests or the entrenched political elite. It’s time for a change. It’s time for leadership that truly reflects the will of the people.

I am Literally Anybody Else, and I am running for President of the United States in 2024. My campaign is built on the foundation of empowering communities, supporting families, and creating a future where every American has the opportunity to succeed. I stand for practical solutions and common-sense policies that go beyond party lines and focus on the real needs of the people.

Why Choose Literally Anybody Else (LAE)?

Unity Over Division: Our country is strongest when we stand together. I believe in bringing Americans together, regardless of political affiliation, to address the pressing issues of our time. My campaign is rooted in the principles of inclusivity, respect, and collaboration.

Transparency and Accountability: Honest governance is the cornerstone of a healthy democracy. I pledge to operate with the highest standards of transparency, ensuring that government actions are always in the best interest of the people. You deserve leaders who are accountable and who act with integrity.

Real Change, Not Empty Promises: We are all tired of political rhetoric that leads nowhere. The LAE campaign is about action—tangible, positive changes that improve lives and strengthen our democracy. I am committed to delivering results, not just words.

Yours Faithfully,

Literally Anybody Else for President


Responsibility is the cornerstone of our democracy, binding the President and the people in a shared commitment. The President must act with integrity, transparency, and dedication to justice, while the people must stay informed, vote conscientiously, and hold leaders accountable.

As we approach this crucial election, let’s embrace our mutual responsibility. Electing Literally Anybody Else means choosing a leader who embodies these principles and striving for a government that truly represents us. Together, we can create a brighter future where democracy thrives.

Let’s elect change and build a better America.

Help Us Get To The White House

Your support is crucial in our journey to bring meaningful change to Washington. Here are ways you can help Literally Anybody Else (LAE) reach the White House:

1. Petition Support:

Sign Petitions: Add your name to petitions supporting our campaign and our policies. Every signature counts towards making our voice heard.

Collect Signatures: Help us gather signatures for petitions. Host a signing event or carry petitions with you to collect signatures from friends, family, and colleagues.

Distribute Petitions: Share our petitions on social media, via email, and in your community to encourage more people to sign. Use the hashtag #MakeYourMark to spread the word about write-in ballots where ballot access deadlines have passed.

2. Spread the Word:

Social Media: Follow us on social media and share our posts. Use the hashtag #ElectLiterallyAnybodyElse to amplify our message.

Word of Mouth: Talk to your friends, family, and colleagues about our campaign and why you believe in our vision.

3. Volunteer:

Campaign Events: Join us at local events, rallies, and town halls. Your presence and enthusiasm make a difference.

Phone Banking: Help us reach voters by making calls from the comfort of your home. Training and scripts will be provided.

Canvassing: Knock on doors in your community to spread our message and engage with voters directly.

4. Donate:

Financial Support: Your contributions help us fund essential campaign activities. No amount is too small; every dollar counts.

Fundraising Events: Host a fundraiser or virtual event to support our campaign. Gather friends and supporters to discuss our vision and raise funds.

5. Engage with Us:

Feedback and Ideas: We value your input. Share your ideas and feedback on our policies and initiatives.

Stay Informed: Sign up for our newsletter to receive updates on the campaign, upcoming events, and opportunities to get involved.

6. Display Your Support:

Campaign Swag: Wear LAE merchandise like T-shirts, hats, and buttons to show your support and spark conversations.

Yard Signs: Display a yard sign to let your neighbors know you support Literally Anybody Else.

7. Voter Registration and Turnout:

Register to Vote: Ensure you are registered to vote and encourage others to do the same.

Vote Early: Plan to vote early or by mail to ensure your vote is counted.

Election Day: Help get out the vote by offering rides to polling places or reminding friends and family to cast their ballots.

Together, we can make history. Join us in our mission to bring integrity, transparency, and unity to the White House. Your involvement is the key to our success.

Texas man changes name to Literally Anybody Else, runs for president

Join Our Vision

Together we will create a better country

Our Campaign, Our Movement, “Literally Anybody Else for President”, stands as a beacon of hope for all of us who fearlessly yearn for a government that truly represents its people — not the entrenched political elite.

I, Literally Anybody Else, am here to champion your voice against the decades of political failure in a way that puts you, your families, your friends, your colleagues and all those who legally live in The United States of America as the first and only priority.

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